Not my type!
I've been following your production at Moovlin PC. A great engine.
I kinda liked the effort, but the problem is that it's not that kind of game i like. Also, it was very glichy in the menu and stuff. I can't really belive that you need over 2 GHz processor.
I played the tutorial. I think the voice acting was cool and stuff. The graphic was kinda neat.
Then, I walked in to the menu where you can choose level etc. Good and well explayned menu. Good work on that :) I give you a good + for that!
I liked the level intro. It was a story, a real good. A big + for that!
The level was cool in the beginning, but after a was kinda boring. The same things over and over again.
The engine was cool, but I kinda expcted more physics etc., but thinking that you worked most on the story and not the engine, I can't really blame on that.
Overall, the game is cool, but not my kind of game.
- Rawnern